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  Phelps Towing Service

Contact Information

2405 Pr Phelps Ln
Shelbyville, IN 46176
Telephone: (317) 392-2008

Visa and Mastercard accepted Image   Credit Cards Accepted: No

Around the Clock Service   24 Hour Mobile on-site service available: No

Service Area: Serving Shelbyville and surrounding areas.

Business Hours

Monday : 12:00 am - 11:59 pm
Tuesday : 12:00 am - 11:59 pm
Wednesday : 12:00 am - 11:59 pm
Thursday : 12:00 am - 11:59 pm
Friday : 12:00 am - 11:59 pm
Saturday : 12:00 am - 11:59 pm
Sunday : 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

More Business Information

Listing ID: 26693

State: Indiana

Website: phelpstowingservice.bzfs.com

GPS coordinates:
Latitude: 39.521198
Longitude: -85.777023

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Customer Reviews & Ratings

Rating 0.1, based on 72 votes.

Rating: (5 / 5)

After two hot, frustrating days trying to tow my car (needed a lift-style wrecker, the car was stuck in park, no neutral available and AWD anyway).

Triple A did fine job intaking my request. While normally reliable , the Hoosier Auto Club/ AAA dispatcher to get my car out and to shop, was having trouble finding the needed wrecker type. As it was nearing evening, it was agreed try again tomorrow with AAA, and a costly Uber ride 44 miles ended a bad day. Day two I drove a borrowed car the 44 miles back, early AM, so as to get this done and get to work. Long story short, given a three hour wait, I accepted this and began some work on the computer from A/C interior of breakdown location. AAA sent battery jumper car, which we had gone over and over both this day and the day before, was not remotely the issue. Very nice young man dispatched to me, so I allowed him to try jump and check battery, no results.

The battery is barely two months old and i had power, but no worries, by now the required wrecker was due finally after what now is a two day wait, I called finally to confirm time, and was informed my work order was "closed," as service provided. The battery guide was subbed in for my special wrecker and I lost my place in line, I was getting angry.

Finally, about 11 hours into my wait, I called again and same dispatcher says, "To be honest, we don't have one coming, we didn't yesterday and we didn't today. Exasperated, I asked if the NEXT day what time, and she finally admitted I could repeat the above process the next day, and maybe they would find one. I checked interntet, found Phelps'

Towing, about 4 miles from my location, and site unseen the owner, Allen, I believe, over the phone said he would pull it out the next morning (it was by now darkening, again, and i had no relationship with this company, this town, or Allen. He said go home and i will pull it out tomorrow and call about where to tow, payment, etc.

All this on phone.

Car is heading to Indianapolis on flatbed lift wrecker this morning, out in rural south of Indianapolis, Shelbyville. AAA claimed a dearth of such vehicles or operators and said good luck, send us receipt for possible partial reeimbursement.

At very least, THEY should call around looking for alternatives, it was 98 degrees and i was not from there, etc.

Phelps' people did exactly what was needed, it was a tricky extraction, but nothing never before seen. They did it as promised, without fuss, and I would recommend them to anyone.

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The correct phone is 847-742-7006. Always has been always will be. I suggest dialing it directly as opposed to clicking a link that takes you to a call center not operated by or endorsed by Elgin Key & Lock.
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